1 in 8 women today will be diagnosed with breast cancer, yet most breast cancer cases are not linked solely to genetics. That’s why BCPP works to eliminate the other known risk factors linked to breast cancer—to save lives and prevent the disease before it starts. Download Brochure
For 30 years, we have been the leading science-based policy and advocacy organization working to eliminate our exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental exposures linked to breast cancer. Accomplishments

Our Mission
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) is a national organization working to eliminate toxic chemicals and other environmental exposures that lead to breast cancer.
Our Work
At BCPP, we:
- Work with communities most highly impacted by the environmental exposures linked to breast cancer.
- Translate science into education and action.
- Press businesses to make products safer.
- And pass health-protective laws.
BCPP believes all people need access to healthy food; safer, nontoxic products; and protection from exposures linked to breast cancer where they live and work. Together we can prevent breast cancer before it starts. Learn more about our work
Our History
Founded in 1992 by Andrea Ravinett Martin (1947 – 2003), we have grown to become one of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the public health crisis of breast cancer, with an unwavering focus on prevention. Over the years, we’ve been a part of so many important victories with you at our side. Our History
Our Vision
As a result of our work, we envision a world in which:
- We live without fear of losing our breasts or our lives as a result of what we’ve eaten, touched, or breathed because the environmental causes of breast cancer have been identified and eliminated.
- Most breast cancer can be prevented, while safe detection and treatment of the disease are the standard and available to all.
- We have succeeded in informing and mobilizing a public that is unrelenting and holds government and business accountable for contaminating our bodies and our environment.
- Public policy protects our health and is guided by the principle that credible evidence of harm rather than proof of harm is sufficient to mandate policy changes in the public’s best interest.
- We have done justice to the women and men whose struggle and dedication inspired our resolve.
Past Leadership
Our Founder Andrea Ravinett Martin
Andrea’s legacy of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (formerly Breast Cancer Fund), which she founded in 1992, lives on today. Read More
Former CEO Jeanne Rizzo, R.N.
From 2001 to 2018, Jeanne Rizzo guided Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, formerly Breast Cancer Fund, to adopt its bold mission to prevent breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation linked to the disease. Read More
BCPP: We are Partners
Celebrating 25 years working to prevent breast cancer.