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Personal Care Products

Did you know there are thousands of chemicals in lotion, shampoo, lipstick, and shaving cream? In fact, some contain ingredients linked to breast cancer, infertility, and birth defects.

BCPP’s Campaign for Safe Cosmetics leads the movement to make beauty and personal care products safer for all. Visit

BCPP Safer Beauty Bill Package

Science summary

We are all exposed to toxic chemicals through our everyday use of  personal care products. Learn about chemicals linked to breast cancer in these products.
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The word fragrance on a personal care product label can mask countless carcinogens and hormone disrupting chemicals that increase breast cancer risk.
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What’s happening in policy

The $84 billion personal care products industry remains one of the least regulated in the United States. BCPP is vigorously pursuing health-protective U.S. federal and state cosmetic safety legislation.

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a program of BCPP, protects people and the planet from toxic chemicals by educating the public; transforming the beauty industry to make products safer; and advocating for health-protective laws that benefit everyone regardless of where they live, work, or shop. As the original trailblazer for safe cosmetics, we focus on eliminating dangerous chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health concerns from beauty and personal care products once and for all.


BCPP’s Campaign for Safe Cosmetics works with non-profits, cosmetic companies, and people like you to clean up the beauty industry.

Our Partners

Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Black Women for Wellness, Breast Cancer Action, California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, Center for Environmental Health, Clean Water Action, Keep A Breast and/or Non Toxic Revolution, Learning Disabilities Association of America, Mind the Store, National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, National Hair and Nail Salon Alliance, North Carolina Conservation Network, SAFER States, Savvy Women’s Alliance, Toxic-Free Future, Turning Green, US PIRG, Vermont Conservation Voters, Women for a Healthy Environment, Women’s Voices for the Earth

Get Toxic Chemicals Out of Personal Care Products

Take action now to get toxic chemicals out of our cosmetics and beauty products! 


BCPP: Exposing the Cause is the Cure

We're preventing breast cancer before it starts by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.

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