Our Work


What can we do to reduce our risk for breast cancer and other diseases? A lot! We’ll give you tips on how you can make simple changes to reduce your risk and learn about breast cancer risk factors. You can also dive into a topic area. Where would you like to begin?

Breast Cancer and Environment Basics

Learn about the chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer and take action to reduce your risk.

Tips for Prevention

Tips on how you can make simple changes to protect your health.

Risk Factors

90% of risk is related to factors that we can impact for positive health outcomes.

Core Science

Gain insight into the science behind breast cancer prevention.

Our Work Areas

At BCPP we are working to transform how everyone thinks about and uses chemicals and radiation in order to protect our health, prevent breast cancer and sustain life.

young women friends sitting on wall hill overlooking city

Primary Prevention Plan

We developed a blueprint to stop preventable breast cancer before it starts.

BCPP CSC Safer Beauty Bill Package

Personal Care Products

We’re committed to eliminating toxic chemicals in personal care products.

Toxic Plastics Ban California AB1290

Food Packaging

We’re pressuring manufacturers to get toxics out of food packaging.

man holds drinking water in outstretched arm


Chemicals linked to breast cancer have been detected in drinking water.


Environmental Justice

We’re addressing the inequitable burden of toxic exposures.

Workplace Health

We’re dedicated to workplace health and safety.


Exposure to Toxic Phthalates in Decline

Researchers suggest that the decrease may be due to a federal ban on phthalates in toys and cosmetics in response to BCPP-led efforts.

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