Recognizing Our Donors

Science Leadership Circle

All our education and policy work at Breast Cancer Prevention Partners is grounded in translating and disseminating the latest scientific evidence on the link between toxic chemicals and breast cancer.

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Thank you to our Science Leadership Circle for your belief in our work to help protect all of us from exposures linked to breast cancer where we live and work.

over 80000 chemicals graphic

Donor Spotlight

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Jasmine A. McDonald, PhD
Breast Cancer Epidemiologist at Columbia University, BCPP Board Member

“I support BCPP as an epidemiologist because I believe science drives change and BCPP is the driving force for change. I support BCPP as a mother because I believe that you always make things better for the next generation. I support BCPP as a Black woman because I believe that the inequitable burden of exposures this group faces is leading to an increase in adverse health outcomes and BCPP is fighting to mitigate this.”

Meet Our Donors

Laura Fenster, PhD


Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation


Kimberly Comer Mulqueen

Karl & Wanda Cole-Frieman

pH Family Foundation

Jasmine A. McDonald, PhD

Dr. Sarah Janssen, M.D., PhD, MPH

Susan Kutner, M.D

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