Breast Cancer Prevention Partners has led the charge to protect people and the planet from harmful chemicals linked to breast cancer.As your consumer health watchdog, we’ve raised the bar for health-protective standards and held corporations accountable. Your support enables our future work to foster a safer marketplace and a healthier world for future generations.
Policy Victories
With your support, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) has championed health-protective, historic state and federal laws, backed by science, that set new standards for protecting people and the planet from toxic chemicals linked to breast cancer.

CA Toxic-Free Medical Devices Act (2024)

Federal Modernization of Cosmetics Regulations Act (2022)

CA PFAS-Free Beauty Act (2022)

CA Safer Clothes and Textiles Act (2022)

CA Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act (2021)

CA PFAS Free Firefighting Foam Act (2020)

CA Cosmetic Fragrance & Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act (2020)

CA Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (2020)

CA Professional Salon Product Ingredient Disclosure Act (2018)

CA Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (2017)

CA Maternal Health Toxics Counseling Act (2013)

U.S. FDA Ban on BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups (2012) and infant formula (2013)

CA Ban on BPA in Baby Bottles (2011)

Federal Toxic Toys Ban (2008)

CA Green Chemistry Program (2008)

CA Toxic Toys Ban (2007)

CA Environmental Contaminants Biomonitoring Act (2006)

CA Safe Cosmetics Act (2005)

California Radiation Quality Assurance Act (2004)

San Francisco Precautionary Principle Ordinance (2003)
Market Victories
BCPP is a powerful force for change. We strategically target corporations to eliminate harmful chemicals linked to breast cancer from their products, expanding the market for safer alternatives.

REI – sets new standard stopping sale of apparel with PFAS in its stores by Fall 2024 (2023)

Johnson & Johnson – announces halting sale of toxic talc-based baby powder globally (2022)

Johnson & Johnson – announces stopping sale of toxic talc-based baby powder in North America (2020)

Unilever, P&G, J&J – adopt voluntary fragrance disclosure policies (2017-2018)

Campbell’s – eliminates BPA in North American cans (2017)

Revlon – pledges to end their use of a dozen toxic chemicals (2014)

J&J – reformulates all baby and adult products to remove toxic chemicals (2014)

Target & Walmart – adopt cosmetic safety policies (2013)

Loreal, Johnson & Johnson – phases out use of Triclosan (2011)

322 Clean cosmetic companies pledge to remove toxic chemicals & disclose fragrance ingredients (2011)

Brazilian Blowout – CA AG sues to remove formaldehyde (2010)

CVS - adopts safe cosmetic standard for baby products (2008)

OPI, Sally Hansen, Orly – remove the “toxic trio” from nail products (2006)

L’Oreal & Revlon – pledge to globally reformulate to meet EU standard (2004)

BCPP launches the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (2003)
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BCPP: Exposing the Cause is the Cure
We're preventing breast cancer before it starts by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.