This holiday season, discover gifts that make a difference! From home essentials to eco-friendly products and beauty care, give the gift of impact with our 2024 Holiday Gift Guide. When you shop with these brands, you’re supporting BCPP’s mission and making choices...
At BCPP, October is Breast Cancer PREVENTION Month. While October is traditionally focused on breast cancer awareness and shopping to support finding a cure, it’s time to shift the conversation. With 1 in 8 women in the U.S. still facing a breast cancer diagnosis in...
For hiking, cleaning, skincare and more, give the gift of impact with our Holiday Prevention Partners! Support BCPP and shop with confidence knowing that your holiday gifts are good for you, our planet and those you love! Our partners in prevention are offering...
Shopping for PreventionAt BCPP, October is Breast Cancer Prevention Month. For over 20 years, October has signified the month to promote breast cancer awareness and shop to support finding a cure. Yet, 1 in 8 women in the US will still be diagnosed with breast cancer...
To our moms, daughters & sisters Today, and every day, we work in honor of those who have faced or will face a breast cancer diagnosis. To all who mother, including moms, grandmas, sisters, nurturing family members, co-workers, and friends, we’d like to...
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we want to take a moment to tell you how much we appreciate you. Keeping you and your family healthy is key to our hearts at BCPP and CSC. Get Your Top Toxics to Avoid Tip Card As a thank you for being an incredible community...
Gifting made clean Shop with confidence that your holiday gifts are good for you, our planet and those you love! Our partners in prevention are offering socially responsible gift ideas that share our commitment to protecting the health of all people and our planet....
Put your dollars towards businesses and products that put your health first We call October Breast Cancer Prevention Month. For over 20 years, October has signified the month to promote awareness of breast cancer and shop in support of finding a cure. Yet, 1 in 8...
Clean Valentine’s Day offers from BCPP’s Partners to you! This Valentine’s Day, our partners in prevention are bringing you cleaner products that value your health and the planet. Check out the lovely products below! Inspired by our partners at...
*Smart, safer shopping made easy* Purchases that support our work in prevention We call October Breast Cancer Prevention Month. For over 20 years, October has signified the month to promote awareness of breast cancer and shop in support of finding a cure. Yet, 1...