Press Releases and Statements
Year in Review 2017
This has been a banner year for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners. We celebrated 25 years of work to prevent breast cancer. We launched our new name, which honors both our prevention mission and our partners who stood by us every step of the way. Partners like you. Partners who have tirelessly supported our work and shared in the major public health victories we have won. Together we continue to create a healthier, less toxic world. Check out some of our 2017 highlights that you have made possible!
Making history: cleaning product ingredient disclosure passed
On October 15th, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act into law! This historic legislation makes California the first state to require the ingredients in cleaning products – particularly chemicals harmful to human health – to be listed on both product labels and online. The tightly-held secret ingredients in fragrance mixtures will also be publicly disclosed, another first for our nation. Until now, many have been left to wonder about the potential presence of chemicals linked to harmful health effects, like breast cancer, in cleaning products. This groundbreaking legislation shines a light on toxic chemicals in cleaning products and encourages companies to remove them. The result will be safer products for consumers and workers in CA and across the country!
A landmark victory to ban harmful phthalates in kids’ toys
It didn’t happen overnight. After almost a decade of work, leadership, and perseverance, we are thrilled to announce that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted (3-2) to ban several harmful phthalate chemicals from plastic used in kids’ toys and childcare articles! Exposure to phthalates (endocrine-disrupting chemicals commonly found in plastics) has been linked to a host of health issues including early puberty, a risk factor for later-life breast cancer. Beginning in 2008, BCPP led the charge to pass a law to ban six phthalates from toys and childcare articles, and has continued to do so since. The CPSC will now permanently ban five additional phthalates, including DINP, a chemical linked to cancer. This law will undoubtedly keep you and your little loved ones safer!
Want to help support us?
Over 20,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this month. This giving season, give in support of breast cancer prevention. Give the gift of a healthier future!
Published: State of the Evidence 2017
A cornerstone of BCPP’s identity, “State of the Evidence” was first published in 2002 and in eight subsequent editions. Our scientists examine the continually expanding and increasingly compelling data linking radiation and various chemicals in our environment to the current high incidence of breast cancer. The findings increase our ability to support protective policies and regulate harmful exposures. “State of the Evidence 2017: An Update on the Connection between Breast Cancer and the Environment” is our most recent edition and has been published in the journal Environmental Health, making it the 31st major scientific report published by BCPP!
BCPP scores big Unilever and P&G win
After intense public pressure from BCPP’s Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and our partners, Unilever (with brands like Dove and Axe) becomes the first multi-national company to disclose fragrance ingredients for consumer personal care products. Three years of heat from BCPP generated tens of thousands of letters to this corporate giant. Not only did we hold Unilever accountable, but BCPP’s advocacy helped secure a commitment from Proctor & Gamble to disclose secret fragrance ingredients in its beauty, home and female hygiene lines in the U.S. and Canada. Thanks to supporters like you,our voices for corporate transparency have been heard!
BCPP on the road
BCPP’s fearless leader, Jeanne Rizzo, took the mic and rocked stages in San Francisco, New York and Boston. As a presenter for Marcum’s 2017 Women’s Forums, BCPP’s CEO was joined by Erin Brockovich, Chelsea Clinton and mountain climber Alison Levine. The three-city tour aimed to explore the essentials to a woman’s personal and professional well-being. BCPP’s message was echoed through the venues, embracing topics on prevention, science and policy. Reaching new national audiences and sharing our breast cancer prevention message was met with outstanding energy to join our community and act.
Looking back on 25 years
For 25 years we’ve achieved so many important victories with you by our side. We share in the glow of these victories with you, our supporters, who have invested in our work to improve health and safety for all of us. Looking back, our most successful endeavors have taken steadfast commitment, so thank you for supporting us every step of the way. Looking forward, our work is more important than ever before. There is so much more to do! Our strong partnerships have made the last 25 years possible and we are looking forward to the next 25 years as Breast Cancer Prevention Partners. We hope you will continue to support our work as we create a healthier, less toxic world in the years to come.
BCPP: Exposing the Cause is the Cure
We're preventing breast cancer before it starts by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.