Press Releases and Statements
A Message from Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., President and CEO
June 28, 2018
Seventeen years ago, I stepped into the role of CEO at Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, formerly Breast Cancer Fund. I followed the visionary founder, Andrea Martin, a woman who dared to say, “we can prevent breast cancer.” It has been an honor and privilege to serve this organization. It’s time for me to step down as the leader of BCPP at the end of 2018.
I have counted on your support all these years and I know that each of you are committed to our mission and values. I trust you will continue to support the stellar work of the organization. In partnership with all of you, we can save lives.
As you well know, the mission of BCPP is to prevent breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation. Whether you have known us for 25 years or 25 days, you know that we are a respected voice in the environmental health movement, advocating for the health of all, especially women and affected communities. From kitchen tables to board rooms, from state houses to Congress, from scientific convenings to the top of Mount Shasta, we are there to represent you.
Together we have achieved so much. As I reflect on our collective accomplishments, I am proud of the Precautionary Principle ordinance in San Francisco, the California Biomonitoring and Safe Cosmetics Programs, the Federal Toxic Toys bill, a ban on BPA in baby bottles, and the reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act. As co-founders of the Cancer Free Economy Network, we see systemic change on the horizon. Our business accountability campaigns have changed the personal care and household cleaning product industries. We issued numerous reports and published peer-reviewed journal articles including our signature “State of the Evidence: The Connection Between Breast Cancer and the Environment.” The scientific grounding for our work is stronger than ever.
As concerned citizens, scientists, researchers, environmental health and justice advocates, health care professionals, business leaders and policy makers – you empower us to make great strides. And there is much more to do. We must stay focused on preventing harm to ensure that future generations do not face the staggering odds of a breast cancer diagnosis.
Last year, we renamed and rebranded to make a bold statement that breast cancer prevention must be prioritized. You energized us to take that step. Now we are ready to welcome the next CEO. The search has already begun! I will remain in my position until the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition.
The organization is strong, thriving, and fully prepared. This is the perfect time for change. The BCPP staff and board are your dedicated and determined allies.
As for me, my next journey will reveal itself over time. This chapter of my life has been deeply meaningful and rewarding, and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to serve.
I thank you again for this amazing journey we have shared.
Yours very truly,
Jeanne Rizzo, R.N.
President and CEO, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
BCPP: Exposing the Cause is the Cure
We're preventing breast cancer before it starts by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.