Year in Review 2019
From Amanda Heier, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners President and CEO
I am pleased and proud to share my first “Year in Review” with you, a key member of our community. After six months as President & CEO of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, I am in awe of the many accomplishments of our small, but mighty, team. And with your support we really have moved “prevention” to the forefront of the breast cancer movement.
Together we can and must continue to create the highest impact possible. If you haven’t already, please give your year-end gift today! Below are some highlights of what your investment supported over this past year, as well as what’s on the horizon:
California Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan
BCPP is in the final stages of developing a first-ever, comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California. With a strong foundation of science and input from many stakeholders, including academics, government regulators, non-profit organizations, and community leaders, we are creating a policy agenda to reduce breast cancer risk factors in California. In 2019, we shared our process and unique findings with physicians, cancer researchers, breast cancer scientists, advocates, community partners, and government leaders. The next step is to bring this plan to life by working with local leaders to develop projects that will improve the health and wellbeing of their communities and also reduce the impact of breast cancer statewide. This plan will serve as a model for prevention efforts across the country!
Behind the Science Video Series
Science is the foundation of everything we do at BCPP. That’s why this past year we brought you the Behind the Science video series. Each episode features a member of our Science Advisory Panel, which consists of the most esteemed scientists and physicians in the breast cancer and environmental health fields. This unique online series offers exclusive interviews on breast cancer, health-protective info, and tips that you can trust. In our first three episodes, we’ve covered topics such as adult and prenatal chemical exposures, endocrine disruptors, reducing our toxic exposures, chemicals of concern for breast cancer, toxic hot spots around highly impacted communities, firefighters’ breast cancer risks, and more. Watch now!
Safe Personal Care Products for Everyone
In 2019, BCPP advanced the CA Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act of 2019. This one-of-a kind bill has the potential to reform fragrance disclosure on both state and national levels and set an important right-to-know precedent by prohibiting companies from claiming trade secret protections for any hazardous fragrance ingredients in their cosmetic products. While the bill did not pass in 2019, our work to educate legislators and build a strong coalition of NGOs and business supporters laid the groundwork for our plan to reintroduce and pass the bill in 2020.
In addition, BCPP worked with Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) to advance the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2019 , a comprehensive bill we consider to be the gold standard for federal cosmetic safety policy reform. With our help, the bill already has gained 26 congressional co-sponsors since its introduction in August. We also worked closely with Rep.Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) to help craft federal legislation that will address false marketing claims made by companies selling “natural” beauty and personal care products.
2020 Cleaning Product Ingredient Disclosure
On October 15, 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (SB 258). This BCPP-sponsored, historic law made California the first state to require the ingredients in cleaning products—particularly chemicals harmful to human health and the environment—to be listed on both product labels and online. Even fragrance ingredients that have long been held secret will now be publicly disclosed. On January 1, 2020, this law’s online ingredient disclosure goes into effect, which will allow consumers to easily find out exactly what chemicals are in the products they are bringing home to their families. Thanks to CA’s large purchasing power and the accessibility of web-based disclosure, this requirement will make cleaning products across the country safer for everyone!
While we are proud of how far we have come, we still have a long way to go to reduce the odds that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. As you consider your year-end giving, we hope you will, once again, partner with us and invest in a future where prevention of breast cancer is not only a possibility but a national priority. With your support today, we will make that happen. Please give generously.
With warmest regards,
Amanda Heier
President and CEO
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
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