California Professional Cosmetics Labeling Act (AB 2775) for Safer Salons

At a Glance

The California Professional Cosmetics Labeling Requirements Act (AB 2775) co-sponsored by BCPP requires an ingredients list on professional cosmetic product labels. This bill gives nail, hair and beauty salon workers vital information about the chemicals they are exposed to day in and day out. 

Salon workers, who are overwhelmingly women, are exposed to a broad array of very toxic chemicals in the nail, hair, and beauty products they work with every day. They usually don’t have access to information about the toxicity of these products because professional beauty product ingredients aren’t required by law to be labeled.

On May 30, 2018 AB 2775 passed the CA State Assembly with unanimous bi-partisan support (76 to 0).

On August 24, 2018 the bill passed the CA State Senate again with overwhelming bi-partisan support.

California Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2775 into law September 14, 2018.

We Need Safer Salons

Nail and hair salon workers, who are overwhelmingly women, are exposed to dangerous chemicals in hair dyes, straighteners and relaxers, make-up and nail products. In California, this means nearly a half million licensed nail and hair salon workers are exposed to chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, and other chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive harm, respiratory, and neurological harm every day.

Several studies have found elevated rates of breast cancer among hairdressers and cosmetologists. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer lists “occupational exposures as a hairdresser or barber” as a probable carcinogen[1]. Studies show hair dressers experience an increased risk of miscarriage, giving birth to low birth weight babies, neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Nail salon workers suffer negative impacts to maternal and fetal health as well as respiratory harm.

Currently, manufacturers must list ingredients on the labels of cosmetics sold at the retail level—this is good for the people who sell, buy, and use those products. However, the ingredients in professional cosmetics do not have to be listed on product labels. This lack of transparency makes it impossible for beauty professionals to make informed choices about the products they use and how to protect their health.

California Assembly Bill 2775

California Assembly Bill 2775 (CA AB 2775) gives salon workers the information they need to protect their health.

While federal regulation requires the labeling of ingredients in beauty and personal care products marketed to consumers and sold in retail settings, there is no equivalent disclosure requirement for products used in professional salon settings including nail, hair and beauty salons. This lack of transparency prevents salon professionals from getting the information they need to protect themselves and their clients from unsafe chemical exposures.

Introduced by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, AB 2775 requires manufacturers of professional cosmetic products sold in California to provide a full list of ingredients on products starting July 1, 2020, excluding fragrance and colorants.

Supporting Organizations

BCPP co-sponsored California Assembly Bill 2775, introduced by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, along with Black Women for Wellness, the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, and Women’s Voices for the Earth.

The bill has broad based support from nearly 3 dozen leading NGOs including American Cancer Society Action Network, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, NRDC, Clean Water Action, and Consumer Federation of California. AB 2775 also has the support of various industry trade associations and a leading multinational cosmetics company including the Personal Care Products Council, the Professional Beauty Association, California Chamber of Commerce, and Unilever.

See our list of other supporting organizations
As of 6/4/2018 

ACT for Women and Girls

Alaska Community Action on Toxics

American Cancer Society Action Network

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Asian Health Services

Asian Immigrant Women Advocates

Asian Pacific Environmental Network


Black Women for Wellness

Breast Cancer Prevention Partners

CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative

Clean Water Action CA

Community Health Partnership

Consumer Federation of CA


Educate Advocate

Empower Family CA

Environmental Working Group

Jacqueline Tran

National Employment Law Project

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles

Physicians for Social Responsibility – SF Bay Area

Professional Beauty Association

Sierra Club CA

Silent Spring Institute



UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program

The Women’s Foundation of CA

Vapour Organic Beauty

Women’s Voices for the Earth


  1. Footnote [1] International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Volume 99: Some Aromatic Amines, Organic Dyes, and Related Exposures. 2010. Accessed at

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