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Leading U.S. NGOs and cosmetic companies have collaborated on a comprehensive package of federal bills that will make beauty and personal care products safer for all

Media Contact: Erika Wilhelm, 


OCTOBER 8, 2021

WHAT: Today Breast Cancer Prevention Partners and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a project of BCPP, joined by leading NGO and business allies unveiled a package of four pieces of federal legislation that focus on critical areas of cosmetic safety reform which put public health at risk. The Safer Beauty bill package will:

  1. Ban the worst first. Ban 11 of the most toxic chemicals from beauty and personal care products, including mercury, formaldehyde, parabens, phthalates, phenylenediamines, and the entire class of PFAS “forever”
  2. Reveal fragrance and flavor ingredients. Require the disclosure of the secret, unlabeled and often toxic fragrance and flavor chemicals in our personal care and beauty
  3. Defend the health of women of color and salon workers. Create cosmetic safety protections for women of color and nail, hair, and beauty salon workers – two vulnerable populations most at risk of unsafe exposures due to harmful chemicals in the products marketed to them or found in
  4. Ensure supply chain transparency, so cosmetic companies can get the information they need from upstream suppliers to be able to make safer

WHO: The bill authors include: Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA), Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX), Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE). NGO bill leads: BCPP, CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, Women’s Voices for the Earth, American Sustainable Business Council, Clean Production Action


Press briefing recording

Coalition press release

Learn more about the individual bills

List of NGO and business supporters



Bill Authors:

Representative Schakowsky, Miguel Ayala,

Representative Fletcher, Rocio Cruz,

Representative Matsui, George Hatamiya,

Representative Blunt Rochester, Andrew Donnelly,

NGO Bill Leads:

Janet Nudelman, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners,

Swati Sharma, California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative,

Yuwa Vosper, WE ACT for Environmental Justice,

Jamie McConnell, Women’s Voices for the Earth,

Business Voices:

David Levine, American Sustainable Business Council,

Mark Rossi, Clean Production Action,

Mia Davis, Credo Beauty,

Martin Wolf, Seventh Generation,


Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) is the leading national science-based policy and advocacy organization working to prevent breast cancer by eliminating environmental exposures and toxic chemicals linked to the disease.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a project of BCPP, is a national coalition of women’s health, environmental health and justice, consumer rights groups and forward-thinking cosmetics companies working to make personal care products safe for all consumers, workers, and the planet.

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