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Letter from Janet Nudelman, BCPP Director of Program & Policy and Director of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

I am writing to say HOORAY and thank you! Last week CA Governor Newsom signed 3 BCPP-sponsored bills into law, reducing our exposure to chemicals linked to breast cancer.

As California’s the 5th largest economy in the world, these three new laws will ultimately benefit everyone, everywhere!

Let’s be real. 2020 has been really hard, which is why it’s especially sweet to have something to celebrate! We never could have gotten these bills over the finish line without your calls, letters, social posts, moral support, and donations.

Thanks to your support, we:

  • Banned 24 of the most toxic chemicals on the planet from beauty and personal care products sold in CA, including mercury, four types of formaldehyde, parabens, phthalates and more! Most of these are linked to breast cancer and an increased susceptibility to COVID-19! Learn more
  • Forced the disclosure of secret, toxic chemicals that hide in beauty and personal care products sold in CA that smell or taste good under the words ‘fragrance’ or ‘flavor’ on product labels. Many of these chemicals are endocrine disrupting compounds linked to breast cancer and other serious diseases. Learn more
  • Protected our heroic firefighters and our drinking water by banning the toxic PFAS “forever” chemicals from firefighting foam sold or used in CA. PFAS chemicals are linked to breast and other cancers, cause reproductive and developmental harm, increase COVID susceptibility and never biodegrade, literally staying in the environment forever. Learn more

​​​​​Passage of these 3 historic measures brings BCPP’s total to 15 local, state and federal laws enacted over the past 17 years. Laws that force the stricter disclosure and regulation of chemicals linked to breast cancer and bring us closer to preventing this devastating disease before it starts. We could not have done this without you.

And with your generosity, we will keep these victories coming! Please celebrate with us today and make a generous donation to fuel this work so our daughters, mothers, wives, sisters, and loved ones never have to hear those 4 words: “You have breast cancer.”

​​​​​Together, we demonstrate, as Margaret Mead said, that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can indeed change the world.

Thank you again for your steadfast support.

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