I am humbled and honored to assume the role of President and CEO of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners. As I begin my time, I come prepared and committed to sustaining what is already the leading national organization dedicated to breast cancer prevention. I’d like to thank the search committee, the BCPP Board of Directors, and the talented BCPP staff for welcoming me with open arms. I’m ready to get to work.
It’s exciting to be here and to be a part of the incredible BCPP community. So, why did I choose BCPP? As a health advocate and mother of two teenage daughters, I’m deeply moved to promote the protection of all people—especially women, children and communities of color—from environmental exposures linked to breast cancer, the number one cause of cancer death in women.
As a woman who has dedicated my entire career to helping health and human service nonprofits, I see access to a healthy living and working environment as a basic human right. The current state of toxic exposure for women is a major public health issue that we must improve. I’ve also seen firsthand how great change can come from working with great partners. Together, as a community of leaders, scientists, health care and business professionals, policymakers, and individuals, we can work to make a breast cancer-free world a reality. This vision is what energizes me! This is why I chose BCPP, because I truly believe we can stop the disease before it starts.
Yes, BCPP is already doing really amazing work, but let’s achieve even more! Some of my top goals for the next two years include:
- More funding. We are a small, mighty team, but we need more resources. I look forward to building out our direct fundraising opportunities to ensure we have adequate funding to boost our science, policy, and advocacy campaigns.
- Heightened community engagement. Everything we do at BCPP is for the health of the people. I want to enhance our programs that optimize our community impact.
- Be bold. We will take an even bolder stance with moving the markets that are hurting the health of consumers. We will renew our commitment to the public by expanding our communications and resources, making our health protective tools more readily available.
As the third BCPP president in 26 years, I am grateful for the trailblazers who came before me, including founder Andrea Martin and former CEO Jeanne Rizzo. With many public health victories and achievements secured, I step onto firm ground as we launch into the next generation of breast cancer prevention.
So, thank you for your continued support of BCPP. We will need your support now more than ever. I look forward to working for and with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know your thoughts on how to make BCPP the best it can be.
Amanda Heier
President & CEO
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
P.S. Show us you’re with us and make a donation today.