Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Pharmaceutical Hormones

Pharmaceutical hormones that imitate, or are natural forms of, our body’s sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) have been found in...


Tobacco products are full of chemicals that harm our health. We can reduce our risk of breast cancer by avoiding...

Social and Built Environment

Our social and built environment have far-reaching impacts on our health, including our risk of breast cancer.Read More


Ionizing radiation is an established risk factor for breast cancer. Minimizing radiation dose to breast tissue is critically important, particularly...

Water Pollution

Communities that lack access to clean water are also likely in close proximity to potentially toxic industries. Read More

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a form of place-based chemical exposure and has been linked to increased breast cancer risk. Read More

Physical Activity

Physical activity protects against breast cancer. The less time we spend sitting and being inactive, the lower our risk of...


Certain occupations and workplaces have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. To reduce this risk, we should...

Non-Ionizing Radiation

We should reduce and, where possible, eliminate low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure that is linked to breast cancer.Read More

Light at Night

Studies have shown an increased incidence of breast cancer in those exposed to artificial light at night and those working...

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