Chemical Industry Attempts to Strike Down Health Protections for Millions

The so-called ‘Accurate Labels Act’ would strip American consumers of their right to know what’s in the products they buy


Media: Erika Wilhelm, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
Policy: Nancy Buermeyer, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, (202) 213-3384
Zack Kaldveer, Center for Environmental Health, (510) 938-2664
Margie Kelly, Natural Resources Defense Council, (312) 651-7935

At the bidding of the chemical industry and the nation’s largest food companies, the House and the Senate introduced a bill late yesterday that would endanger human health and the environment, erode the fundamental role of science in formulating sound public policy, and strip American consumers of their right to know what’s in the products they buy.

“This proposal is an underhanded and deceitful attempt by the chemical industry to strike down laws that, for years have served the American public. Chemical industry executives stand to make millions while ordinary Americans would be more exposed to cancer-causing chemicals,” said Ansje Miller, policy director for Center for Environmental Health.

“This bill represents the chemical industry’s hostile takeover of democratic institutions.  They’ve spent millions to strongarm their agenda in Congress, the EPA is doing its bidding under Swampy Scott Pruitt, and now they are trying to block Americans from passing laws that warn them when toxic chemicals are in their cereal, shampoos and children’s toys,” said Daniel Rosenberg, senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council.  “Companies like General Mills, Kellogg and Hershey are going to have to tell their customers why they are working with Dow and Monsanto to hide what toxic chemicals are in their products,” he added.

“Labeling laws give people the power to choose products that reduce their exposure to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects and other serious conditions,” said Nancy Buermeyer, senior policy strategist for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners. “Our leaders should be focused on better protecting Americans from cancer-causing chemicals, not making it harder for them to protect their health and their families.”

Science-based labeling laws protect public health by requiring businesses to notify customers if their products contain dangerous chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, and a host of other threats. American families deserve the right to know what’s in the food we eat, water we drink, and products we buy, especially if they can cause cancer, birth defects or other life-threatening ailments.


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